Office Phone+880 9291254 Ext. 3258
Office AddressDept. of Technical & Vocational Education 304, Academic Building 1, IUT
Professor Dr. Md. Shahadat Hossain Khan
Dr. Md. Shahadat Hossain Khan completed his PhD from the University of Sydney, Australia. He has
been working as a Professor of the department of Technical and Vocational Education (TVE), at the
Islamic University of Technology (IUT), Bangladesh, since 2018. He has been working (teaching and
research) in TVET sectors since 2004. He was awarded Australian Leadership Award Scholarship
(Australia), Graduate Research Scholarship (Brunei), Skill-Road Scholarship (Seoul University, South
Korea) based on his outstanding academic results, teaching and research expertise. His research
area mainly explores on two wide directions: Technology education and TVET sectors. More
specifically, he has a wide experience on ICT-enhanced teaching and learning, Curriculum
development in tertiary level, Professional development particularly focus on scholarship in teaching
(student-centered teaching, ICT-integration, flipped classroom pedagogy during COVID-19 & Beyond)
at national and international levels. In TVET sector, he is researching on TVET pedagogy, technology
integration in TVET sectors & eTPD Model, and TVET reforms. Currently his research also focuses on
TPACK (Technological, Pedagogical, Content, Knowledge) Framework in national and international
contexts. He works as an international editorial member of many indexed journals. His research
works published in the TOP RANKED ISI/SSCI indexed journals. Hence, his published journals and
books chapters have already contributed internationally. BRIEF CONTRIBUTIONS: RESEARCH GRANT-(i) International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canadian Government selected a research grant to Institute of Education and Research (IER), University of Dhaka, Bangladesh under a consortium of four more countries Nepal, Bhutan, Vietnam, and Timor-Leste, for conducting a research project titled as “Students’ participation and learning achievement at secondary level during pandemic and beyond: Impact of Gender and Inclusive pedagogical approaches”. Value: $ 1176470 (Canadian Dollar); (ii) General Directorate of Foreign Economic Relations of the Ministry of Development of the Republic of Turkey selected me as a lead researcher for conducting a research project titled as Skills Development in the OIC Member Countries: Vocational Education. Value: US$ 68,500.00; (iii) I have been awarded as Alumni Support Grant “From Theory to Practice: Establishing a Community of Practice (COP) to support Gender Equality, Disability and Social Inclusion” by the Australia Government from Nadia Simpson, Deputy High Commissioner- Australia High Commission Bangladesh (2022). RESEARCH OUTCOME: (I) I developed five teaching approaches (ICT-enhanced) based on intention and strategy framework, which is a new innovation in the area of teacher education. It was published in the top SSCI indexed journals (ISI/SSCI indexed Journals: Higher Education & Instructional Science). (ii) My recent work provides useful empirical evidence for minimizing the gap between teaching in tertiary education and workplace practices (SSCI indexed Journal: Journal of Educational Computing Research). (iii) My collaborative research work provided a new approach in understanding TPACK framework particularly when a teacher is planning to use ICT in teaching and learning which was published in another SSCI indexed journal (ISI/SSCI indexed Journal: Australasian Journal of Educational Technology). This piece of work contributed new insights towards existing knowledge that extended the TPACK framework. (iv) Teachers’ Attitude Towards Technology: we examined the trainee teachers’ attitudes toward technology adoption and use in tertiary engineering education. The Computer Attitude Scale (CAS) was extended by including the social influence component, to examine whether social norms affect the acceptance of technology by teachers that is published in the SSCI indexed Journal SAGE Open (iv) Guest Editor, Special Issue on: Emerging Technology in Teaching and Learning: Cases from Developing Countries, International Journal of Smart Technology and Learning.
Specialization : ICT in Teaching and Learning; Engineering Education & TVET reform